The short answer is YES.
Ace Mobile Plastics is always being asked IS PLASTIC SLIMLINE WATER TANKS REPAIRABLE ?
Here at Ace Mobile Plastics we have now been plastic welding plastic slimline water tanks for many years achieving great out comes,

Ace Mobile Plastics many years ago started to receive calls from people with plastic slimline water tanks leaking and in the beginning these leaking plastic water tanks were at times a challenge to repair over time we have done allot of R&D to allow Ace Mobile Plastics to developed a professional repair systems, now days we repair all plastic and poly slimline tanks successfully using a method called Plastic Welding using specialty plastic welding equipment and tooling designed and developed purposely for plastic welding plastic slimline rain water tanks that allows Ace Mobile Plastics to be at the forefront of repairing the so called difficult slimline tank to extend the service life of your water tank

Ace Mobile Plastics have been at the forefront plastic welding plastic rain water tanks for many decades now being challenged along the way by the variety of water tank designs

Slimline with split seam.

Ace Mobile Plastics over the many years have plastic welded many different styles of plastic water tanks the plastic water tank company’s have developed with all the new shapes, designs, sizes, along with round or slimline tanks calling them also different names like, stand against the wall tanks or under eaves plastic tanks trying to get the edge in the market and now the everyday domestic water tank that people have as part of there house hold items around there home to use in or around there house of property when needed.

Ace Mobile Plastics are plastic welders that come to u on-site to plastic weld your leaking plastic water tank or damaged plastic tanks , at times large plastic water tanks can have other issues like collapsing roofs or slumped roofs or even worse, support post pushing through the plastic tank roof causing the poly tank roof to eventually collapse leading to a large damage bill to repair your tank so it is important to give your tank a check over through out the years to identify any issues that may occur.
Please contact, www.acemobileplastics.com.au for any assistance with your plastic water tank repair.